Summer 2019, before breast cancer diagnosis, and a
global pandemic..
Life was sweet..
November 2019. Introducing The Ba*%#rd Lodger!
My life was rumbling along in its usual track. Busy job, family, holidays, weddings and days out. Celebrations and family feuds. I felt fit and healthy. I had just turned 48 living with my chap in a city I love.
In November 2019 I found a small pea sized lump in my left breast; in the middle just near the breast bone. “Nothing to worry about” I told myself.. I am heading towards being 50. The menopause loomed and I’d heard lots about the irregularities of monthly periods, hot sweats and brain fog. Lumps and bumps appearing and quickly disappearing as the hormones fought their internal biological battles. “It’ll be just that”, I thought.
I contacted my GP for an appointment. Those were the days when you could actually see your GP in person. After my examination (which is all a bit weird when all said and done) she told me it was a cyst. Phew! She gave me a 14 day prescription for antibiotics and sent me on my way.
Christmas 2019 came and went. But the ba*%@rd lodger remained. I thought it had gotten bigger.
After a return visit to the GP in January 2020 and a request for a referral to my local hospital, I had my appointment for screening. I had to ask, it wasn’t offered! I found that odd. Be bold. Ask. Demand if you have to. But don’t let a GP tell you “No” if you’re concerned or worried. Fitting an appointment around a busy work schedule was challenging, however, I made it happen and went off to see the breast care team. Thinking that they would confirm it was a cyst and that I had nothing to worry about. I was wrong.
Two examinations.
4 mammograms (2 different types of images).
4 guided punch biopsies.
1 ultrasound.
I had no idea I would have so many tests. The Magnolia Centre in my local hospital became known to me as the ‘room of doom’ (no reference to the nurses, they were lovely!) whilst I waited for my numerous appointments to see the proffesionals.
What happens at a breast screening appointment?