Let me introduce myself...

(I’m the one without the beard..)


Im a breast cancer warrior raising awareness. I also have the BRCA2 gene that creates an increased risk of other types of cancers (breast, skin, ovarian, and pancreatic).

I’m sharing my honest experiences here. I am not a medical professional, just a woman sharing her honest account. There is no filter, so if you want a fluffy half-truth…stop reading NOW!

I’ve shared ‘top tips’ under each topic for information purposes. My advice is ALWAYS check with your own medical team. Our diagnosis, health and treatment are individual and as such you should always check out first. My page is for information purposes only.

Look elsewhere. You have been politely warned.

My name is Clare. At the time I began creating this page I had just celebrated my 50th birthday and I wanted to create a platform for others to make use of. Whether it be a look at my photographs or to read my ‘blurb’. Whatever feels useful to you. When I was diagnosed I went looking for information from real women at varying stages of their treatment. I wanted to hear from them so I had a better understanding of what potentially lay ahead for me. I wanted to understand what the procedures meant, how other women managed, and what they used or did to ease their worry and anxiety. I struggled to find anything. There are some forums and groups, but very few share images (Facebook does not allow photographs of nipples) something I was incredulous about. It failed to show me the human side of a cancer diagnosis. This is why I began documenting my own experiences.

This website does not cover every type of breast cancer, surgery, or treatment. It’s personal to me and my ‘ba@*%rd lodger’ (you will hear more about him as we go forward). Statistics tell us that 1 in 2 will get cancer, however this does not mean they will die because of it. More people survive due to the progress in screening and treatment option. Survival rates have doubled in the last 40 years.. Cancer is much closer to home than any one of us gives thought to until he’s squatting in your front room!

I’ve also included links to the professional pages and groups that I found useful. I’ve collated tips that got me through and made my cancer surgeries, treatment and general wellbeing more tolerable. I’ve also included some of the hair and beauty ‘stuff’ I did or found helpful. I hope some of it is useful to you too. Of course, all the professional information is invaluable and is evidence based on years of research and trials and I’m so very grateful. But however informative it is, it is filled with medical terminology and professional jargon that unless you persevere can become a minefield (and it can be very scary). I’ve created a medical words and terminology page at the end.

Those that know me well know I’m a private person. I don’t trust easily and share very little of the important stuff. First and foremost, I’m a mum. I’m a nana. I’m a girlfriend (you can still be one of them right even though you’re 50!).  I’m a daughter, a sister and an aunt. I’m a god parent. I have close friends and distant ones. I have my beautiful girlfriends... I’m a colleague, a professional (ahem! be kind!). I laugh with and are regularly laughed at (my children this is for you!). I love completely and don’t forgive easily. I’m loyal, fun and can be deadly serious. I am dependable and a crisis is just another hurdle to get over.

I am all of those things and so much more....

I’m also a social worker, an educator and I believe in change and that knowledge is power (cliche maybe but even more important in this circumstance).  So, if my ramblings and photographs make anyone examine themselves or tell those they love to do so, the sharing has been beneficial!

But this is important... this is my story, and why I’m publically sharing the most challenging and frightening period in my life so far.

My message is simple... Man or women check your boobies.. (

(click me for more information on breast education/awareness).