My family and close friends are so special to me. I know everyone says this and I’m sure they all
say that they mean it too. I can honestly say that mine are ‘bloody brilliant’. They have been my
reason to get up each morning and face the day (even if that meant only having the energy to
shuffle to the bathroom for a shower and put on a clean pair of pjs) and believe me when I say
that was even hard work!
None of them could be physically with me during my cancer diagnosis, surgeries, treatment and
the majority of my recovery because the world had closed due to the 2020 global pandemic. Covid
restrictions kept me separated from my closest family and friends and I know that was as hard for
them as me. I regularly had beautiful scented spring flowers sent to me, with cards, gifts and
positive messages of support. I even had a bucket load of gin! (they know me so well).
Cancer and Covid made my physical world very small and lonely, but my virtual world blossomed.
I wanted to acknowledge a few special folks. So here is where it gets a little mushy………..
Patrick, Words aren’t really enough and do not convey my admiration of you, but here goes.
THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU!… you held my hand, held me close, was there when I opened my eyes, shopped, cleaned, sat with me, protected me, shuffled with me to the bathroom, cheered me, told me I was beautiful at my most pained, changed my dressings, humoured me, attended hospital appointments and have been with me every step of the way. You are stoic and brave and never flinched at my ever changing physical self.
You are MY silent hero, and I will be forever grateful. I love you Mr P.
Jess and Jack, I am soooooo proud of the humans you have become. My heart bursts. You have battled your own adversity and I know my diagnosis filled you both with immeasurable fear even though I did my best to shield you from the detail. My battle with the ba@*%rd lodger has also been personal to you and I know it has made you both consider your own mortality. Not easy for anyone, but even more of a challenge for you both as my children. You returned the love to me in bucket loads and for that I will always be thankful. You made me stronger. More determined. You did that for me! We won this war. Together. Always shine bright, be the rebel, the lone voice, be bold, dare to dream and never let anyone define you or tell you that you cannot. Cut your own groove in life. I love you both with every fibre of my being. You are my greatest achievements. One proud Mama.
MiMi and Theodaurus. Pure gold wrapped in smudgy, creative cuteness. Nana Loves you.
Martin, Angie and Jayne, Thank you for being my dependable loving big brother and sisters. Laurean and Jack, you are the best. Shane, a special thank you for your constant texts and random visits when I was at my lowest. Somehow you just knew! As family goes you all rock! You all saved me at different times from the darkest places of my mind and I thank you all for being available to me no matter the distance, no matter the time of day or night.
Never underestimate how much you all mean to me, Little Sis x
My Mum, thank you Mum. Without you I wouldn’t be the women I am today. I learnt everything about unconditional love, resilience and determination from you. You are one hellova lady and I’m very proud to have you still showing me how life can rock. Love you lots.
My girlfriends. Each of you helped me in your own very special ways. I’m grateful to have you all as my best friends... and what a bunch you are! I will be forever indebted to you all for the calls, texts, cards, flowers, (and bubbles) but most importantly your unwavering friendship. Love.
One last thing….
I need to give my Jack an extra special ‘thank you’ because he built my page. He sat with me for hours and hours whilst I tried to explain my vision. Jack, you have been so patient with me, thank you. I would have been totally lost without you and this would still be a box of images in my head. I also have to acknowledge that the content of this page is quite challenging for anyone (we have sat and talked about so many medical procedures the side effects and you have looked at more pictures of my foobies, bits and gubbins than any son I know!). Joking aside, I am in admiration of your skill, and I hope that you are as proud of what we have created as I am.
Thank you Jackalina, Love you Son.